Hkwfedk (v)
yksd foÙk (Public Finance)
1- jktLo dh izÑfr] {ks=k ,oe~ egRo 3&14
Nature, Scope and Importance of Public Finance
2- yksdfoÙk dk fl)kUr 15&22
Doctrine of Public Finance
3- futh oLrq] lkoZtfud ¼lkekftd½ oLrq rFkk esfjV oLrq 23&29
Private Goods, Public (Social) Goods & Merit Goods
4- foÙkh; iz'kklu ,oe~ ctV 30&50
Financial Administration and Budget
5- ghukFkZ izcU/ku ;k ?kkVs dh foÙk O;oLFkk 51&61
Deficit Financing
6- lkoZtfud O;; dh izÑfr ,oe~~ fl)kUr 62&85
Nature and Principles of Public Expenditure
7- lkoZtfud O;; ds izHkko 86&95
Effects of Public Expenditure
8- lkoZtfud vk; vkSj mldk oxhZdj.k 96&105
Public Revenue and its Classification
9- djkjksi.k ds fl)kUr ,oe~~ oxhZdj.k 106&134
Canons and Classification of Taxation
10- djkjksi.k esa U;k; dh leL;k 135&148
Problem of Justice in Taxation
11- djikr] dj?kkr ,oe~ dj&foorZu 149&171
Incidence, Impact and Shifting of Taxes
12- djnku {kerk 172&184
Taxable Capacity
13- djkjksi.k ds vk£Fkd izHkko 185&194
Economic Effects of Taxation
14- lkoZtfud _.k ds fl)kUr 195&222
Theory of Public Debt
15- jktdks"kh; uhfr 223&237
Fiscal Policy
16- la?kh; foÙk O;oLFkk 238&266
The System of Federal Finance
jkstxkj fl¼kUr (Employment Theory)
17- jkstxkj ds fl)kUr 269&276
Theories of Employment
18- dhUl dk jkstxkj fl)kUr 277&288
Keynesian Theories of Employment
19- miHkksx izo`fÙk vFkok miHkksx Qyu 289&308
Propensity to Consume or Consumption Function
20- xq.kd dh vo/kkj.kk 309&318
Concept of Multiplier
21- fofu;ksx Qyu ,oa iw¡th dh lhekUr mRiknu {kerk 319&330
The Investment Function and Marginal-Efficiency of Capital
22- Rojd fl)kUr 331&337
Principle of Acceleration